Celestial Earth: Discovering the Stars in Your Heart
“We come spinning out of nothingness, scattering stars like dust.” ― Rumi
This post was inspired by the new class starting Monday, September 16, 2024.
We live in the celestial realm—we are star beings.
We tend to separate Earth from the heavenly spheres, from the spinning cosmos, and from the all-pervading life in space. It’s time to regain our perspective, understand our place in the universe, and realize that we are made of stardust.
Shift your perspective from Earth-centric to Cosmic-Centric, and what happens? Suddenly, you are cosmic, a star being made of the atoms of creation and a full participant in, not the center of, life.
An Essential Spiritual Shift
Every time we separate from the whole, we become a lost species—lost to the infinite beauty and music of the spheres, lost to ourselves, and lost in space. We have truly lost our bearings—our meaning, purpose, and North Star.
As we grow spiritually, we mature through stages of natural growth. The cycles are geometrically designed to create an evolutionary pathway specific to each heavenly body and dimension. Our celestial realm is designed to follow the Fibonacci spiral, creating a road map for ascension. The Fibonacci sequence allows for steps, leaps, inversions, and miracles. When you look at it as a drawing, it looks like a straight line mapped as a spiral but still linear. Take it out of 2D and imagine it in 3D, 4D, 5D, and beyond, and you are now in the sphere of experience, not thought. Each expansion becomes less linear and more alive with flow, intelligence, and a sense of the supernatural. We erupt from the cauldron of celestial love that spews out an infinite stream of stars to light the heavens.
A New Way of Living and Being
You can’t describe the experience in anything less than poetic terms. Hafiz and Rumi knew that. We are the heavenly creation, and our earth walk is a journey to this realization. Look up again and see Sister Moon, Father Sun, and Sister Stars. Look down and know Mother Earth; you are the child of the universal family moving as One. Realizing this takes you from “me” centered to “we” centered to “unity” centered? The stars in your heart join with the stars in everyone’s hearts to form the constellation of the human being, the very definition of a mature, realized being.
When you look up at the stars, do you only see one star or many making up the dance of creation? Waking up to 5D enters us into another evolutionary stage—one where we realize that we are made of multiple fields, not just the physical. The path will lead us out of linearity and into dimensionality, and we are just at the beginning stages of learning what this means. We have an exciting path ahead. Freedom from linearity feels like escaping a prison cell, with no more artificial boundaries and limits to our perception. Our ethereal fields, the energy fields of expanded intelligence, will activate and unwind like wings spreading to soar. Your body experiences this as relaxation, ease, and flow; your mind is centered, readily accessing knowingness, and together, they form a wholeness that responds to the celestial currents. Let the stars in your heart illuminate the path, and resistance will dissolve to reveal a new way of living as a star being.
Only when star and stone are held together in one hand is the mind truly at one with the beginning and the end of the Tai Atea [Cosmos].
Only then do we know the oneness of the Universe and walk the deep trails of wisdom where everything is possible.
For the Mind Song is without end; it joins with the ancestors to know the completeness of the circle of the dream.”
(from The Missing Lands by Freddy Silva)
Sensing my place as part of this cosmic dance so deeply in my being. Thank you for putting this into words, Sarah!
This was what my being was trying to tell me
this morning! I woke, not in 3D
Thank you for this, Sarah. Especially meaningful today.