The Sedona Journal of Emergence Magazine
Monthly feature articles by Sarah Weiss: The Enlightened Empath Portal
In 2018, you published a wonderfully informative article, which I read and enjoyed at the time, with a curious but superficial understanding. Then I underwent a powerful mystical experience on my property in which I received my shamanic initiation from nature spirits. They showed me in the absolute darkness of a moonless night, how I am constructed spiritually. Much of what you wrote about in 2018, has come true for me. –ST
The Heart of the Mother through Sarah Weiss
February 2023 Easing Ascension Symptoms SJE
January 2023 Sedona Journal SJE
Accessing Light Nutrition for Anxiety and Depression
You Are the Cosmic First Responders PDF
Mother Earth Speaks to Me for the First Time Sedona Journal October 2021 PDF
Sedona Journal Articles through May 2021
The Sedona Journal of Emergence can now be purchased on Amazon!