Maureen Raeburn
Sarah’s teaching comes from wholeness, love, and truth. She supports and honors each person’s path and pace of evolution.
Caroline Williams
Sarah’s classes are alive. I’ve noticed that the frequencies that come through in the classes directly connect with what is happening elsewhere on the planet, including in my personal experience. In these times of uncertainty – in this time of opportunity – I am relying on Sarah’s classes as a touchstone to Truth and alignment. I am actively growing and evolving every single day, every moment, and participating in Sarah’s classes is incredibly supportive and illuminating to that process. Let there be more light!
Scott Friel
With Sarah, there is no gap between the teacher and the teaching, the healer and the healing. She fully embodies the highest spiritual frequencies that she shares with the SpiritHeal community.
Mark Tapajna
Reflection on my Bear Mountain Retreat
I entered the retreat with an open mind and left the retreat with an open heart. Each day I was at the retreat site I had enlightening experiences, some subtle and some more intense, that drew me closer to what I would consider my True Self. My deepest experience occurred on the second day at the City of Rocks, during which I felt embraced by Mother Earth with a sense of unconditional love and healing. I connected at a level in which I was the eyes, ears and senses of the Earth where I rested. I experienced a deep opening of my heart chakra and an embodiment of Mother Earth.
Before, after and throughout the retreat I came to a number of Self/self realizations. I felt I had the energetic platform to encounter and embrace many experiences, including those that were initially discomforting, that were doors to a greater self-‐awareness.
I left the retreat, and abide now, in a greater sense of calm awareness which I will continue to explore and nourish.
Angela Hassenpflug
Thank you so much for this year of profound exploration and learning in the Enlightened Empath Training. Your class helped me to change my perspective and knowing about my experiences in more than one way. The solstice meditation was the deepest for me yet, and led me to the most beautiful place. It helped me access wisdom and pieces of consciousness I never had before.
Chi Macnow
Since our healing session earlier this year, things have really accelerated in my consciousness! My deep gratitude to you as I join you in service to the light!
Maureen Raeburn
Before taking The Enlightened Empath Training I felt that I knew a lot about living as an empath. I now have a more expanded vision of what it means to be an empath. This class brought me new insights, realizations, and clarification through the knowledge transmitted in class and in the manual, videos, audios, and readings. I especially value the fact that the teaching is from a mystical, holistic perspective that includes practical techniques. I would recommend the class to anyone who feels that he or she might be an empath.
Kim Miller
I can still recall my first intuitive session with Sarah, the book she recommended and her encouragement to go home afterward to explore and ground with the land, plants and trees in my backyard. This began a personal quest to deeply understand my spiritual roots and self discovery of who I truly am. I’ve been continuously involved in the SpiritHeal community for over 16 years participating in weekly classes, retreats, certification trainings and most recently in the mentoring program for professional energy practitioners. The depth and breadth of SpiritHeal’s teachings and programs are invaluable. Sarah’s capacity to bring these teachings forward with dynamic love and clarity is a testament to her commitment and a blessing for all.
Scott Friel
Sarah’s classes challenge me to embody my highest truths with integrity, love, and compassion and to be fully present in life. I feel truly blessed to have her support and guidance as my inner journey unfolds.
Jamie Bass
While I was intuitively drawn to work with Sarah, I never could have imagined the healing journey we would embark upon together. With her guidance, I have become much more aware of who I truly am and how I want to live my life. One of Sarah’s greatest gifts is her ability to convey difficult or transformational information in a way that is sensitive, caring, and gentle. She knows what her clients need to work on at the right time, and she never pushes too hard in a direction or forces her clients to tackle subjects that they’re not ready to handle. For me, working with Sarah has been like having a long conversation with the kindest, wisest, gentlest friend, and it has changed my life and my outlook forever.
Caroline Williams
It is a great blessing to have a teacher and guide with the absolute highest integrity who works compassionately with me as I find my own truth, my own way, my own path. Sarah is an gentle but uncompromising truth-teller. I am so grateful for her presence.
Ronna Egging
Sarah is a true teacher in the highest regard. Her guidance comes from a most centered grounded place from the heart and has been what I have needed to hear for my personal and spiritual growth, both in an individual and group setting. Her guidance is practical and applicable to my daily life.
I am most thankful for having the blessed opportunity to learn from her!
Elizabeth Hawkins
I am deeply grateful for your insight. I cannot explain how reassuring it feels to have someone see my pain. All my symptoms are internal and that means most people and doctors have trouble believing I am hurting as much as I am. There are no easy answers for me and everyone says I am a mystery, so I appreciate your ability to see in and around me.
Deborah Bookin
I first met Sarah as a client in 1998, after receiving the devastating news that I had sustained a vision loss for which traditional medical care could offer no likely successful treatment at the time. Sarah’s integrity, honesty and loving kindness inspired me to explore an unknown I feared and to recognize my true wholeness. Her compassion, humor and generosity of spirit helped me to stay the course through uncertainty and find unexpected joy. With the encouragement of my opthamologist and the support of other traditional and complementary healing practitioners including Sarah, I was able to regain all but a tiny area of my visual field. Today, I see more clearly now in the truest sense.
In recent years, I have worked with Sarah in other important areas of growth and healing by phone. In phone sessions, I appreciate a heightening of my focus and awareness because there are fewer distractions. I notice that it is easier to direct my attention inward. At the end of a phone session, I appreciate that this way of working enables me to have quiet transition time in which to rest, continue to integrate the energies of the session or contemplate what has emerged for me. There is no need to drive home or return immediately to the flow of my day.
For anyone called to explore the deeper potential and gifts of their own intuitive abilities, I can offer no higher recommendation than to suggest working or studying with Sarah Weiss.
Olga Paz
Through my meetings and coaching sessions with Sarah, I have found the strength to commit to my path. Sarah’s sensitive energy and Guides, have helped me find the balance and vibration within. Through our work together, I’ve grown in expressing my own voice and gifts. I am more fulfilled and secure in my being. I love her energy and her presence in the room the way she trusts the process and and transform it to a great learning experience .
Joanne Rogers
I have recently had an individual session with Sarah Weiss that has been a life changing event for me. Sarah’s ability to zero in on key physical, emotional and spiritual issues and gently communicate them back to the client in a way that they are able to clearly understand is incredible.
Randall Gibson
Sarah’s gentle style of teaching seems to encourage me to go very deep. I love her classes!
Judy McCracken
I have been a professional colleague of Sarah Weiss’s for 15 years. I first profited from her gifts on my own healing journey when I received individual treatments from her and then participated in several of her classes. Over the years, I have referred many clients and friends to her for help and always received very positive follow-up reports from them. I highly value our friendship and our professional working relationship. Her spiritual practice has transformed many lives.
Becky Distad
I have been working with Sarah for over a year through classes and individual sessions. My work with Sarah has positively transformed my life. I have experienced immense healing of deep issues which had not been resolved through the standard healthcare system. I feel I am living life instead of watching it go by. I am blessed to have Sarah Weiss in my life.
Marueen Raeburn
Sarah provides a safe, loving environment that encourages a gentle approach to healing and learning. She embodies the profound and expansive knowledge that she teaches.
Char Friers, CNM
A clear way through the Chaos: Sarah inspires me to keep my body and spirit grounded and connected to the Earth as I explore the outer (and inner) reaches of my consciousness. The paradox of her down to earth, hilarious style with the expansive, soul enlivening content of her classes is remarkable! Over the years as we have gone deeper and deeper into the Mystery, my life has changed in miraculous ways.
MaryAnn Chambers
The journey I began with Sarah and The Spiritheal Institute has been my path to wholeness and wellness. With varying phases of reluctance, commitment, apprehension and re-commitment; I have been held and supported by the Light both within and without. This journey led me to the unfolding of True Self, as well as an increased awareness of the Cosmic Truths and Natural Law. I sit always in gratitude and appreciation.
Michelle Cameron Bozeman
Sarah’s heart centered approach to both students and clients is respectful and effective in reaching the goals an individual has for themselves and giving them skills for ongoing self care and development. My heart is filled with gratitude that Sarah is in my life.
Renee Jennings
Through my work with Sarah, I have found the breath of the Universe within my own bones. I have been brought to Light. In this sacred, deeply embodied and fiercely transformative journey, it is my honor to call Sarah my teacher and guide.
Tmiko Ruby j
You are gifted, passionate and spiritually connected being. Your knowledge of the universal light energy that you share helps guide us through this journey as spiritual being having a human experience. It is a true honor and pleasure to work with you.Thank you Sarah,
Christa Luck
Dear Sarah,
Your calm and sensitive healing presence transforms the vibrations of every being in the group.
You teach detachment and focus at the same time.
You provide a spiritual link to other dimensions and spiritual beings.
You act as an “enzyme” (in your own words) that aids our development and self-realization.
You seem to transmute our imperfections and balance us to a different frequency.
Lisa Paulino
I have been working with Sarah in a variety of ways since December of 2007. I learned I have all the answers within me and no one can ever lead me astray unless I choose it. The power of the light, truth and unconditional love are all that matter. Relationships have healed because I have healed. Health begins to return as I release the layers that created the problems. When my mind becomes a servant to my heart, transformation occurs. As I experience being a part of something greater I know I am never alone.
Adele Eisner
Sarah Weiss is a highly unique teacher and human being who shines with integrity – the integrity of truth; the knowing that she does not hold anyone else’s answers; and the knowing that she does she does not need to “lure” clients with so me picture of her own greatness. Rather, with deep insight, broad knowledge, and knowing that we each are here for larger purpose than we normally might imagine, she helps other’s become aware of their own greatness/their own answers. She deals realistically with physical, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of issues; always reflects deep caring and respect for each student/client; and is always mindful to simply share in ways that others might best “unfold”/that best befits the the person, the issue, the moment. Anyone – literally anyone, man woman or child – having the opportunity to engage in a class session or to meet individually with Sarah Weiss would be offering themselves the huge gift of human healing.