Spiritual Insights: Sarah's Blog

Visions of A Luminous Body and Angelic Healing

July 4, 2024

As revealed in the previous post, my grandfather, a physician and medical intuitive, transmitted and activated my medical intuitive ability.  My spiritual vision came alive through initiations and transmissions from my Sufi, Andean, and Taoist teachers. It was my responsibility to cultivate the seeds planted in me. And the flowering (an Andean and Sufi reference to a stage on the spiritual journey) would not have happened had I not committed to years of attentive practice. Thankfully, the calling to the life of a healer and seer was so intoxicating it was easy to make it my priority, even when I became a mother.  My passion for my children equaled my spiritual calling; I couldn’t pick one over the other, so I turned to the feminine mysteries, where love, family, children, spirit, and healing all existed in the same sphere.

Light has always been my “thing.”  Before birth, I danced with light beings, and after arriving here, I danced with light beings. When I read what my mother recorded in my baby book, in addition to the accomplishments of early childhood, such as height, weight, first steps, words, and giggles, she repeatedly mentioned my pure glee when hearing the song Glow Worm.  She even has photos of me dancing to it as a one-year-old.

Glow Worm Cave, NZ

   Shine little glow-worm, glimmer, glimmer   Shine little glow-worm, glimmer, glimmer   Lead us lest too far we wander   Love’s sweet voice is calling yonder

   Shine little glow-worm, glimmer, glimmer   Hey, there don’t get dimmer, dimmer   Light the path below, above   And lead us on to love!



It could still be my anthem today! Above and below, from earth to heaven, keep the light shining. I see the light everywhere: in you, the world, and myself.  In seeing, there is also meaning; the depth of my heart explodes with the majesty of humanity and all sentient life. In every teaching, every sacred circle, the light of our being is brought forth and the magic of creation is revealed. Here are a few AI images approximating my visions.

And just to add a little light humor, I had AI illustrate the nome that lives in the forest behind my home!


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