2024 SpiritHeal Institute Classes & Retreats


The SpiritHeal Institute fosters a deep connection to Mother Earth, Father Sun, and the Heart of the Cosmos. 

Sarah’s classes are alive. I’ve noticed that the frequencies that come through in the classes directly connect with what is happening elsewhere on the planet, including in my personal experience. In these times of uncertainty – in this time of opportunity – I am relying on Sarah’s classes as a touchstone to Truth and alignment. Let there be more light!  —CW

SpiritHeal Institute classes immerse you in the higher frequencies of the heart. It’s easy to believe that Source is All-Knowing, Luminous, and Infinite, but it’s challenging to recognize and live it. Each being is the Source, the Alpha and Omega, the One, and the Truth.  When resistance, illusion, and darkness are removed, you discover your true self as the one you have prayed to and worshiped.

The New Earth is emerging, creating dramatic shifts in our body, heart, and mind. Breakthrough moments are happening more often when you feel peace and calm, free from fear and anxiety.  Group ceremony is one of the most powerful ways to sustain breakthrough moments until you permanently live in your higher consciousness.

Founder Sarah Weiss MA, MT

The Sacred Circle is the primary modality of all SpiritHeal classes and retreats. Gathering in a sacred circle with fellow spiritual seekers magnifies the potential for both planetary and self-realization. Participation in The Sacred Circle ceremonies calls forth your greatest wisdom and grounds your consciousness in the flow of Earth and Heaven. It is wonderful to revive your soul and embody your higher consciousness here and now.

A clear way through the chaos: Sarah inspires me to keep my body and spirit grounded and connected to the Earth as I explore the outer (and inner) reaches of my consciousness. The paradox of her down-to-earth, hilarious style with the expansive, soul-enlivening content of her classes is remarkable! Over the years as we have gone deeper and deeper into the Mystery, my life has changed in miraculous ways. —CF

2024 begins a forward momentum that carries us through portals of ascension we can’t currently imagine. In just a few short weeks, throughout January, the carrier waves emanating from the galactic center spur planetary awakening and beyond to even Father Sun and Sister Moon. Our entire axis of being experiences an expansive shift that reveals hidden sacred wisdom. The mysteries of existence, consciousness, light, and frequency surface like seeds sprouting from the depths of Mother Earth.  We finally get to know what we know!

The SpiritHeal Mystery School is a living carrier wave generated by the flowing and glowing of Mother Earth’s and Father Sun’s hearts.  We were never meant to be orphans, stranded in a one-dimensional life, disconnected from The Great Mother and Father. The mission of the SpiritHeal teachings, transmissions, and activations is to reconnect you with the sacred love that flows through your veins, generating more love, light, and wholeness each moment. Each year, the Monday evening classes and retreats align you with the ascension energies, week-by-week, sparking and initiating spiritually transformative experiences. There is a choice point every six weeks; at the beginning of the next six-week session, you can continue or take space as needed. Your spiritual nature is not linear, and your sense of timing is respected. You are always welcome to return to the sacred circle ceremonies.

Sarah’s classes provide a safe, loving space to support everyone’s evolution. She teaches practical approaches to spirituality and clearly describes higher states of consciousness. Students have time to find their own paths and learn from their individual experiences. — MR

Check out these offerings. 

Announcing the 2024 Class and Retreat Schedule beginning January 8.

2024: The Year of Spiritually Transforming Experiences

Scroll down for the new SpiritHeal Foundation Sessions!

All classes are conducted via Zoom and in the Eastern Time Zone.

REGISTRATION CLOSED: Healing the Trauma of a Life Reduced to Materialism
January 8, (skip 1/15), 22, 29, February 5, 12, 19, 2024,  8 – 9:15 PM Eastern

REGISTRATION CLOSED: If You Put it in the Field, You Put it in Your Body
February 26, March 4, 11, (skip 3/18), 25, April 1, 8,2024,  8- 9:15 PM Eastern

REGISTRATION CLOSED: Free Up Sacred Space: Support for Spiritual Transformation
Mondays, April 22, 30 (Tuesday), May 6, 13, 20, (skip 5/27) June 3, 2024,  8 – 9:15 PM Eastern

Please note that for this session, the second class is on Tuesday, April 30, and May 27 is skipped due to Memorial Day.

REGISTRATION CLOSED: Refining Your Vibrational Intelligence
Mondays, June 17, 24, July 1, 8, (skip 7/15) 22, 29, 2024,   8- 9:15 PM Eastern

Celestial Earth: Discovering The Stars in Your Heart
Mondays, September 9, 16, 23, 30, Oct. 7, 14, 2024,  8 – 9:15 Eastern

When Presence Awakens: Integrating Your Spiritually
Transformative Experiences
Mondays, November 4, 11, 18, 25, December 2, 9,2024,  8 -9:15 PM Eastern


Online Retreat: Sacred Mission: Tending the Tree of Life 
March 23-24, 2024  (3/23: 10 AM – 5 PM,&  3/24 10 AM – 4 PM) Eastern

⇒Online Retreat: Tuning the Throat Chakra: Finding Your New Earth Voice 
August 24-25, 2024  (8/24:  10 AM – 5 PM & 8/25:  10 AM – 4 PM)  Eastern

This is a wonderful opportunity to experience the SpiritHeal Institute foundation practices of connecting to Mother Earth, Father Sky, and The Sacred Circle. The sessions are free and take place on five Saturday mornings from 10 AM to 11:15 AM (Eastern Time Zone).  All sessions are on Zoom, and you can attend as many as you want, but you must register to receive the Zoom link. 

REGISTRATION OPEN FOR August 17, 2024 Session
⇒August 17, 2024
October 19, 2024

All sessions are conducted over Zoom and in the Eastern Time Zone. Registration opens September 1.

⇒Fall Equinox           September 22, 2024   7:30 – 9:30 PM
Winter Solstice     December 20, 2024    7:30 – 9:30 PM


FAQs for Classes and Workshops