Breathe and Bless
Are you open to a change in perspective, one that will have you feeling brighter and lighter throughout your day?
How to Breathe and Bless
You know how to breathe, but do you know how to bless? We say “Bless You” when someone sneezes, what if you actually meant it? How does it feel to be “blessed?” Pretty wonderful, right? Receiving blessings and giving blessings actually produce the same effect: a light, loving, open, joyful, aligned feeling. You can’t control the blessings you receive but you can control the blessings you give!
It doesn’t take much to breathe and bless.
—Notice your breath; this brings you back to your center and sanity.
—Then radiate blessings, specific or general; it doesn’t matter. There are so many ways to radiate blessings. Just the thought of a blessing brings about blessings.
—If you are worried that you are not worthy or able to radiate blessings, start by blessing yourself and experiencing what your blessing feels like. Keep adjusting the thought and frequency until you feel great, then you’ll know how to bless others. You’ll wish everyone felt as great as you do. It is your way of shifting into your higher being and a more pleasant state. Feel the generosity of your heart and let it radiate throughout your body/being and into the atmosphere around you.
—Imagine the different ways you can bless others. Face your palms outward and let the energy flow out; place your palms on your chest and let the energy flow inward. Either way, there are more blessings in our world.
—Imagine beautiful celestial light pouring down or Mother Earth’s love rising upward. Simple, loving energy is a blessing for everyone. This is important: Notice how you feel. Do you receive as much as you give?
—Experiment with different ways to bless the world by engaging the power of your heart. You will discover your inner shaman or guru. Isn’t that what we imagine a spiritual teacher to be? Someone who bestows us with divine blessings?
If you were to ask me what one of the qualities of an enlightened being is, I would say a person who shares blessings without judgment.
As you learn to breathe and bless, you will learn about yourself. When are you stingy with your blessings? When you withhold blessings from others, you shut down your bliss. Do you feel empowered to live from your higher being when your blessings flow? Let this practice grow and explore its transformational potential.
Breathe and bless, breathe and bless, breathe and bless. It wouldn’t be so bad if breathing and blessing became your daily mantra.