2024 Summer Solstice Ceremony
2024 Summer Solstice: Solidifying Our Collective Awakening
You are invited to share in the ceremony from 6/20/2024. Scroll to the bottom of the page.
The 2024 Summer Solstice thrusts us into new dimensions, breaking the barriers generated by the 3D focus on materialism and self-centered individuality. The shift will be explosive; be ready to embody your soul, you, beyond conditioning and expectations, joyously.
It’s a little scary. Everything you’ve come to rely on, believe in and understand is changing. We are entering the New Earth with expanded vibrational intelligence, deeper heart wisdom, and awareness of the all-pervading Love and Oneness we know to be true. We are leaving behind the competitive for the collaborative and the self-centered singular for awakening together. It is an experience of freedom that you haven’t known for many lifetimes or ever. You will discover the multiple dimensions of your being and your starseed beginnings. The New Earth is here, 5D you is emerging, with lots of unknowns. Will we thrive? Yes. Is it exciting? Yes. And it is overwhelming! Yikes!
You’ve been experiencing the power of this solstice all year. The Spring Equinox led to a deeper cleansing of trauma, allowing a “spring awakening” of your soul. Now is the time to realize you are a consciousness creator in harmony with the forces of creation.
We will gather in a sacred circle, where the toroidal field generated by our higher consciousness will take us into the experience of collective awakening. This will open the door for your next soul-directed step, your next insight, healing, and empowerment.
You will receive the zoom information the week before the session.
Note about the $18 payment: 18 is the frequency of life, the mystery of vibrancy, joy, and fulfillment. When you register, tune into the frequency of the number 18, attune to the blessing and radiate it throughout your sphere of being.
Summer Solstice Thursday, June 20, 2024 7:30 – 9:30 PM