The Quantum Benefit of Grounding is Higher Frequency Living
There is so much more to grounding with Mother Earth than we realize. Walking barefoot on the grass and connecting to the electro-magnetic field of the earth are incredibly beneficial, but you can go deeper and discover the quantum benefits.
Grounding with the Heart of Mother Earth connects us with the core crystal of our planet which is also her heart. Through resonance, the core crystal of Earth connects to the core crystal and the heart of every celestial body, all planets, stars, and plasma streams, taking you to the source of creation. You become the embodiment of creation energy, the vital, powerful, loving energy that sustains all life and consciousness. NOt only that, when you let go and immerse yourself into the flow of love emitted you are held in the most beautiful healing and fulfilling energies you can imagine, it’s truly a divine experience.
Consciousness is the key word. When you ground with the Heart of the Mother, not only are you physically restored, but the veils of illusion, the heavy energies of conditioning, hypnotic spells, and traumas, the energies that bind and restrict you, creating powerlessness, illness, and a love-less life, are released to reveal clarity, love, and peace.
We can’t know our vision is cloudy until it is compared to clarity. It’s like putting on glasses and seeing clearly with new eyes. What do those new eyes see? They see the true you, the divinity within, and the power you possess when aligned with and grounded in a power greater than your power. Once limitations are dissolved, your consciousness opens to portals of ascension, shifting seamlessly to greater and more expansive integrated, grounded revelations and insights into your life purpose, healing, and the mysteries of life.
The Heart of the Mother, the divine feminine, opens the path to divine embodiment. We keep looking upward and outward, but when we shift inward and downward into our bodies, we discover our holiest temple on earth. Once she takes you in her arms and fills you with pure love, she lifts you into the heavens to meet Father Sun, her lover. The light from Father Sun radiates another potent frequency of divine love, and when the lovers meet in you, wholeness is birthed. You are uplifted and expanded into 5D and possibly beyond. Your divinity shines forth and you remember that this is why you came to earth. This is quantum grounding.