2021 Awakening Together Series: Entering the Cosmic Gateway

Entering the Cosmic Gateway

Instead of running away, becoming weaker and more vulnerable, if you have to run, run towards your power, run towards your heart, run towards your truth. Your strength will astound you and self-betrayal will vanish. Illumination lifts you beyond the state of slavery. Fireworks fly from your ecstatic heart bursting open and setting you free. Grounded in the wordless, the silence of all knowing, your higher self appears before you, and you say. “Welcome home, come on in.”

The Monday evening classes are SpiritHeal’s heartbeat. Mystical, powerful, and uplifting, you are assured a weekly high-frequency tuning and alignment with the cosmic light of being. The focus is on collective awakening; creating a supportive field that surrounds us with light and healing. Each module is independent so you can select the topic that best resonates with you. Part Five is open for enrollment now. There is no pre-requisite for these sessions, just your sincere presence ensures a sacred experience.

Entering the Cosmic Gateway

The gateway to the unknown is open, and it’s time to see what’s on the other side. The mysteries of consciousness reveal themselves as quickly as we can silence the mind and allow the wonders to appear.  We don’t have to work at being more aware, expanded, or ascended because the magic wand is waved, and revelations are arising in every moment of stillness. 

In higher frequency times, societies knew how to prepare for the transition from one great age to another, but we are walking through the current gateway with inadequate preparation and guidance that seems faint and distant. Mystics, sages, and shamans have been telling of this time for thousands of years, but their message seems to fall on lower frequency ears no matter how loud or powerful.

A new brighter age is predicted and you can feel the light and refinement of the energies surging through the cosmos to fulfill what has been foretold. Imagine the caterpillar creating its cocoon as a response to the call of the butterfly.  We are in the same position in the transitional cycle. We can feel the change coming but we don’t know what it looks like. Following a compelling energetic thread with intuition and instinct united we can walk through the cosmic gateway to meet our new earth self.

In this final class of the Awakening Together series, you will receive transmissions along with practices to firm up your connection to the ageless inner wisdom that holds the secrets to the exciting human expansion before us. We can never know the full picture, transitional times offer possibilities, not final outcomes. We will come to understand that we are already grounded in the new paradigm frequencies, that we are the light we projected to our higher being, and that responsiveness to our intuitive flow will help us embody our new earth beings.

Complete details and registration info

6 Sessions: Mondays, November 8, 15, 22, 29, December 6, 13, 2021,  8 -9:15 PM (Eastern Time)
Registration: $275    Deadline:  November 2, 2021  Scroll to the bottom of the page to register.

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