2024 If You Put it in the Field, You Put it in Your Body
There is no reason we can’t be light and happy in the earthly realm!
The goal of the earthly human spirit is to experience Embodied Oneness and Harmony, the loving marriage of Heaven and Earth. Yes, there is an intention on spirit’s part to share love everywhere!
The old paradigm would have us believe that the body and energy field are two distinct entities, disconnected from each other. But as we enter the new paradigm, the boundary between the material and ethereal is less clear-cut. What was once subtle is now part of everyday consciousness. Access to love and wisdom is more available, and living a high-frequency life is now possible.
This class will explore the interaction of thought, feeling, and vibrations through a quantum lens. Our question is, “Where does your body end and your field begin?” It will draw forth revelations that intuitively align with your inner knowing. Limitations that set you at odds with your body will dissolve, and a new loving relationship will develop as you know yourself as a continuum of universal consciousness. You are no longer frozen in time or compressed into a mysterious inert solid that crimps your freedom and creates unbearable static and conflict.
Topics, Transmission and Transformation
- Where does your body end and your field begin?
- What does healing look like in the new paradigm?
- How to shift from mechanical/chemical to vibrational/frequency healing.
- Health as awareness and wholeness.
- What tone and frequency are you unconsciously emoting?
- The importance of merging consciousness with Mother Earth, Father Sun, and the Cosmos.
- Moving through the shift with others in a sacred circle is easier.
As 2024 unfolds, we are constantly astonished by the daily discoveries in space and time. We realize that our thoughts, feelings, and breaths are not only within us but also around us, shaping new realities every moment. The idea that we create our reality has a new significance in the new age. It is not a linear connection between thought, feeling, body, and breath; it is a quantum relationship based on energy, thought, and intention. As we connect with the subtle world of sound, frequency, color, design, fragrance, and taste, we create the vibrant fabric of our lives.
The Sacred Circle
This class is experiential, not academic. Each week, participants are transformed by transmission and attunement. A sacred circle is activated and grounded in the love of Mother Earth and Father Sun, where your higher being, light, and love, convene with others to generate the field beyond judgement and polarity. It is your right to receive the energies and allow them to release old loops of trauma, awaken inner knowing, and be blessed by the mysteries of love until you become the living embodiment of powerful, life-changing Love.
Six Monday Evenings, Zoom Class, February 26, March 4, 11, (skip 3/18), 25, April 1, 8, 2024, 8- 9:15 PM Eastern
Please register by February 17, 2024