2020 Empaths and Healthy Relationships
2020 Empaths and Healthy Relationships…Love, Boundaries, and Power
October 7, 14, 21, 28, 2020 8 – 9:15 PM (Eastern)
Fee: $175 Registration deadline: October 5, 2020
Thank you so much for this course, coming across your work and the perspective you provide has truly been life-changing for me.
I really resonate with the earth-based grounding and subtle energetic boundaries. –JM
Empaths, you know more than you think you know about relationships. You are tuned in to higher frequency relationships where transparency, truth, and love are your focus. Anything less than that level of relating feels awkward and shallow. Don’t let anyone convince you that you are too much, too transparent, too sensitive, or too co-dependent. What you feel and pick up in a relationship is most often true but learning how to navigate a world where transparency and the telepathic union are not common is a challenge.
Empaths need training. I’ll say it again. Empaths need training. You’ve lived most of your life in a fog, wondering what is going on and why you don’t “get” the world. But about 8 years ago someone on some plane pressed a button and empaths woke up. Now that you are awake, you can learn all about your amazing full sensory perception and stop feeling crazy.
This class offers more than information; a transmission of high-frequency energies supports you in embracing and empowering your empathic abilities. Also, the feeling of being with your tribe, your fellow empaths, is wonderful. There is an unspoken recognition that validates you in surprising ways.
- Are your relationships exhausting?
- Are you giving more than you receive?
- Do you feel immense love but your partner doesn’t get it?
- Do you lose your sense of self and end up angry and anxious?
- How do you overcome the wounds of dismissal and devaluing of your empathic experience?
Empaths may be challenged in every relationship: friends, lovers, children, parents, employers, to name a few. How do you navigate a superficial world when you want to go deep? How do you get others to value your ability to sense energy and vibration? How do you navigate relationships when you are overwhelmed, confused, and feeling more than is on the surface? How do you get the downtime you need to stay sane?
You may be tripping over your own words at this point, trying to explain how relationships are so much work. I know. I’m an empath and if it weren’t for my training as a mystic, healer, and medical intuitive, I wouldn’t be able to share with you what I’ve learned.
I whole-heartedly believe empaths are a preview of the future human. Humanity is slowly but surely opening to greater awareness of Oneness which includes the non-verbal world of vibration and frequencies, and the subtle telepathic communication that connects us. As an empath, you are experiencing the world of the future, now. And that is very confusing!
Research tells us that empaths make up about 12 – 17% of the population or that 1 out 7 people are empaths. Look around you, there must be another empath hiding there! You are not alone, but you live in a realm of consciousness that is just on the verge of becoming valid and visible. Physicists totally agree with the empathic experience. They know All is One. But how do you live in Oneness in a world that feeds on separation?
What you will learn in this class:
- Empaths can develop healthy boundaries based on self-definition instead of self-defense and protection.
- Empaths can express their true feelings and be heard.
- Empaths can learn to value their ability to feel, see, and know beyond the physical realm.
- Empaths can be powerful and spiritual.
- Empaths can feel both Universal Love and Personal Love.
- Empaths can be healthy and vital.
- Empaths can have healthy relationships when they understand their own superpowers.
Let’s Get Practical
This class is four sessions, each one is 75 minutes of valuable time. I will give you practical suggestions on how to navigate your relationships, meditations to practice, and energy exercises to strengthen your boundaries and collect your power. It’ll take a bit of practice, we grow little by little, and then all of a sudden we get the change we are looking for.
We will meet on Wednesday evenings, October 7, 14, 21, 28, 2020), from 8 – 9:15 PM on a Zoom call. All classes are recorded and may be downloaded to your personal device. Supplemental recordings and reference materials are also provided. $175.
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