2022 Enlightened Empath Training
This is a virtual program over Zoom
Living and Loving Your Vibrational Life
My wish for the world is that everyone has access to the healing, love, and wisdom
that comes from the beautiful frequencies and light in these classes! –Cindy S.
You are ready for a change, an upgrade to higher frequency living. It is your time to shine; to live and love your vibrational life. The New Earth frequencies, in alignment with the center of the galaxy, are generating a new way of living on earth; a life tuned to vibration and frequency. Coming into resonance with the new frequencies allows you to shed your old identity as a passive empath, subject to humanity’s pain and misery, and begin to live your vibrationally intelligent life.
Vibrationally Intelligent is the new upgraded, higher-frequency word for empath.
The word “empath” carries heavy energy now, it’s time for an upgraded, higher frequency title, let’s call empaths “vibrationally intelligent”.
The vibrationally intelligent being:
- Understands the world in its fundamental form: frequency and vibration.
- Speaks the language of the multi-dimensional and integrated soul.
- Senses love, harmony, and beauty from cell to soul.
- Lives and loves the vibrational life.
The world needs your energy now!
Vibrations speak louder than words, you know this and now humanity is waking up to its truth. You excel at living a vibrational life so why not share your talent with the world? Listen to the voice within; it will shift your focus from fear, anxiety, and approval seeking to living and loving your vibrational life. The Enlightened Empath Training helps you align and center in the evolved 5D you.
Teaching through Transmission and Attunement
The Enlightened Empath Training is sourced in the mystical teachings that have informed and guided the human spirit for eons. There is no greater gift than uniting body, mind, and spirit in love, harmony, and beauty. Internalizing and integrating the teachings through transmission and attunement bypasses the mind; creating shifts in consciousness in the present time.
Sacred space is opened in each session of The Enlightened Empath Training. The Sacred Circle is the primary modality for teaching, transmission, and attunement. During The Sacred Circle ceremony, each participant is immersed in the all-pervading love and sustenance of Mother Earth and Father Sky. A group harmonic forms as the personal longing for connection to inner light is fulfilled and the circle begins its journey towards a transformational state. When the frequency of the circle matches the frequency of revelation and healing, your higher being and daily being become One, and access to the deeper universal teachings arises naturally from within.
Each seminar includes the following:
- An in-depth introduction to the topic
- Grounding and connecting to Mother Earth and Father Sky to cleanse and center each participant.
- Activating The Sacred Circle to raise the frequency of the group.
- Receiving teachings, transmissions, and attunements from the illuminated ones and the spirit of guidance.
- Final integration: Q & A, discussion.
- Access to the recordings from each session along with supplemental materials.
- Support between sessions
Meet Your Guides
Mystic, shaman, Medical Intuitive, and healer, Sarah Weiss is the founder and director of The SpiritHeal Institute and The Enlightened Empath Training. For over 50 years Sarah has been an interpreter and narrator for Mother Earth in her form as The Great Mother of Creation. Mother Earth Speaks to Me for the First Time, Sedona Journal October 2021.
Sarah is initiated as a teacher and lineage holder in The Sufi Tradition, The Andean Tradition, and The Taoist Tradition by master teachers in each lineage. Devoted to carrying the live teachings of these universal paths, Sarah has integrated all three paths into original and direct transformational experiences in all her programs which include for 2022: Awakening Together: Co-Creating with the Conscious Universe and The Power of the Sacred Circle Retreats. Sarah also offers individual appointments for in-depth spiritual and healing transformation.
2022 Enlightened Empath Training
Living and Loving Your Vibrational Life Series
One-day seminars supporting the emergence of your whole, healed, and vibrationally intelligent life. The transmission from The Heart of the Mother is activated the moment you register so notice what life presents to you leading up to and after the seminar!
Note: These will be scheduled for the fall of 2022. Check back in late June for the updated schedule. I look forward to sharing this time with you!
Stop Ghosting Yourself: Heal the Split and Show Up Whole and Bright
Learning to say “yes” to the flow of creation and to the voice of wisdom within.
No More Confusion: Understanding, Cultivating, and Refining Your Vibrational Intelligence
Understanding, accepting, and claiming your vibrational intelligence as your primary intersect with the daily world and the world of spirit.
Creating Beautiful, Balanced, Supportive Relationships in 5D
Understanding and honoring your relationship needs as a vibrationally intelligent being.
There is a Place for You in 5D
Do what you do best! Ceremonial leaders tune in to both the individual and group energies to vibrate light into life.
Register Here
Additional Support for Your Journey!
Retreats provide deeper access to the true self and spirit. Gathering in the sanctity of The Sacred Circle, this retreat format spans earth to heaven, helping you ground, center, and open to your multi-dimensional being, revealing who you are and why you are here.
Pre-requisite: one individual session with Sarah Weiss