2022: The Power of the Sacred Circle: Transmissions from Beyond and Within
The Power of the Sacred Circle: Transmissions from Beyond and Within
An online retreat conducted over Zoom.
What do you do when cosmic grace is flowing so powerfully that you just have to stop and take it in? You take a retreat!
The guidance and energy are flowing so intensely now we need a retreat, a moment out of mainstream consciousness, to receive, understand, and integrate the frequencies of the new earth and our new beings.
The New Earth is here, the Aquarian Age is here. Are you here?
If you are sensitive and open to energy, you’ve noticed the shift and are attempting to figure out what is going on. Deep sacred circle time gives us access to the teachers who can guide us through the transition phase and help us become present to the new present.
This retreat will help you access your power and get over the hump of being a victim to pain and suffering. It’s amazing what retrieving your soul from the ethers will do to heal long-held wounds and move you along your path. At some point no matter how much psycho-spiritual effort you make, there is a point where higher dimensional beings must complete the healing. In circle new dimensions of your soul become accessible and once updated dissolve the weight of the past and transform your experience of daily life.
Multi-Dimensional Intelligences
Everyone has questions about those who exist beyond the earthly realm: angels, guides, ET’s, dimensional beings, and your higher being. There will be an opportunity for discussion and meditations that may open you to direct experience with those you suspect exist beyond the veil of 3D consciousness.
During this retreat you have the opportunity to experience:
- Your new paradigm connection to Mother Earth and Father Sky.
- The release of old wounds and heavy energies.
- A consciousness update.
- Your divine inheritance.
- How-to-live in Love.
- An invitation to experience transformational intelligences beyond physical perception.
Date and Time: April 29: 7 – 9:30 PM, April 30 & May 10:00 AM – 5:00 PM (Eastern Time)
Registration: Open until April 24, 2022
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