Awakening Together: Permission to Heal, Expand, Ascend, and Be Present
6 Sessions: Mondays, April 26, May 3, 10, 17, 24, June 7, 2021, 8 – 9:15 PM (Eastern Time)
Join us for Part Three of The Awakening Together Series starting April 26. Sometimes we need permission to claim wisdom, healing ability, and to let go into our greater being. Just a little permission or affirmation can set off a wonderful cascade of enlightenment!
How do you know you are wise and powerful? Ultimately it is up to you to claim through deep self-reflection, but we are social beings who love to see our reflection in others. When we gather in a sacred circle, seated on the throne of our being, radiating from our hearts, and joining in healing union, our reflection is whole and pure. We can sense when our alignment is true, our power is grounded, and when universal love radiates from our hearts. In Permission to Heal, Expand, Ascend, and Be Present your unique spiritual light has the opportunity to shine so brightly that you even you can’t miss it!
Registration: $275 Deadline: April 21, 2021