Full Moon Catapults Us Light Years
Today’s full moon has catapulted our ascension light years into the future. All of the craziness and challenge we’ve been experiencing during the summer months has been forging new paths for us. There is a relationship between challenge and growth. In this case it has to do with releasing programs that kept us ensconced in the old paradigms of sacrifice and darkness.
We are doing away with the polarity of sacrifice on one end and selfishness on the other. Our ability to discern with wisdom has been seeded and is growing within us daily. We are being asked to become the wise ones that we are. You are of the lineage of the wisdom keepers. You actually know much more than you have been led to believe. Your life springs from a cosmic intelligence that spurs your growth and lives within your heart. Doesn’t it make sense that we are all made of the light of the heavenly stars? That the forces that spin the cosmos spin us into existence. Just being alive on the planet we fulfill our purpose of radiating the wisdom and harmony of the cosmos. We are the cosmos in a limited form and this new moon is reminding us of the fullness of our being. Assume you are the well of wisdom that pervades the cosmos and rest in this knowledge, let it be the foundation for your thoughts, feelings and actions. Trust that when you release old ways this new way will fill in the space that is freed up!
I slept under that very beautiful full moon with my 9 year old daughter, at her request, and loved every minute of it.
very Nice! makes a lot of sense!