Fall Equinox and Mercury Retrograde: Peace or Chaos
As Mother Earth spins her love throughout the galaxy we become participants in Planetary Celebrations marked by the equinoxes and solstices. When we recognize her body as our body then we can experience the same ecstatic relationship with the cosmos as Mother Earth does. Honoring the quarterly alignments brings out lives into harmony with the greater cycles and a broader perspective. Portals open to our true self and higher purpose and we get a glimpse of where our soul is leading us.
If we forget our connection to Mother Earth and Father Sky we also forget our True Self. When the opportunity presents itself, as in a solstice ceremony, an open heart will understand and with great humility turn toward the greater reality, the eternal, your true self. The equinox and solstice times are gifts of spirit. They open doors to remembering the eternally evolving One Life that sources our life today.
Our attunement will take us deep into the fall equinox energies, aligning and bringing into focus the meaningful experiences that fulfill life’s purpose. Fall is a time of reaping and collecting. It’s also perfect timing that Mercury will go retrograde on September 17, just before the equinox. Mercury Retrograde gives us a time to review and discover anything we’ve lost or forgotten. With the two cosmic events overlapping we will have a few weeks to catch up, go deeper and find what we’ve lost on a soul level, collect ourselves, and move on.
This is what retreats are for, returning to your self, to the light, to the greater meaning of your life. In the past several years the light energies have gotten more potent as the world has spun into greater chaos. We are in the midst of the great change that has been predicted and widely known since the 60″s. We need to look to the eternal and changeless to understand the tumultuous changes. Did it ever occur to you that the chaos is showing you the way to peace? Causing you to let go, detach and drop into your deeper, more ascended self. There is only so much of the chaos our being can take. When we can’t handle any more we either get totally lost and confused or find our cherished peace. It’s your choice!
It takes courage to turn from the chaos, to let go and trust that your true self will be there to guide you and hold you. Mother Earth and Father Sky hold you in their loving embrace until you mature spiritually and discover the infinite wisdom within your heart. When you discover the mystery that is hidden within your own heart you are able to find peace as well.
Thank you for the reminder! Warmest greetings to you, Sarah