Getting Unstuck from 3D
I can’t even imagine what it’s like to live as if your only identity was the one perpetuated by our culture.
To live without knowing you are the light of your soul.
To live without knowing you are a star in the cosmos.
To live without knowing you are infinite love.
To live without knowing you are more than your personality.
To live without knowing you are more than your mind allows you to know.
To live without knowing the true nature of the living universe.
To live without knowing your physical body is Love manifest.
To live without the inspiration of love and light.
To live without the feeling of awe.
To live without the love of Mother Earth and Father Sky.
To live without knowing your heart is larger than the known universe.
To live without knowing you are the healer and the healed.
To live without knowing you are the divine you are seeking.
It’s unimaginable and unacceptable to be in that much misery.
Get unstuck from the hypnotic spell that was cast upon humanity thousands of years ago.
Leap into your heart with abandon and plumb the depths of it’s wisdom to reveal the sparkling sovereign you.
Unwind the bounds of limitations and lies.
Let clarity surface to guide you one step at a time.
Let presence be your comfort and silence be your wellspring.
BE free, Be love, Be peace, BE wisdom, BE joy, BE power, BE Light.