Resisting the Equinox Energies Won’t Be Fun
It’s not fun resisting your higher wisdom. The Spring Equinox is a visionary time when the spiral of growth leads you to your next opportunity to refresh and renew your life. Everything is stirring around us. Change is in the air and so is resistance to change.
The Spring Equinox energies are lighting up our consciousness with higher guidance and wisdom. During these times when the celestial portals of your higher being are activated and open, do you allow yourself time to listen to your intuition?
What messages are you downloading? Seriously, ask yourself, what is the message or guidance I’m meant to decode this week?
Most of us don’t think we are important enough to receive high-frequency guidance. We give others that power and don’t even try to tune in. As a result, we end up resisting an opportunity for profound connection, empowerment, and support that usually ends up in some kind of disappointment or misguided effort.
Each of us has the same multi-dimensional consciousness. During the equinox and solstice events, our higher wisdom is more available to us. When the earth, sun, and cosmos align, we align too. A channel from heaven to earth clearly opens within you and your own divine wisdom streams into your awareness like the information streaming to your digital devices. You have the power to listen and learn from your higher wisdom once you take the time to center and quiet down.
We are in the equinox window now. The best advice anyone can give you is to reconnect with yourself. Gather your energy back to you. All of the energy cords formed from the belief that someone else knows better than you drain your power and short circuit your wisdom. Your higher wisdom is not constrained by your thoughts, anger, guilt, shame, the food you eat or the exercise you didn’t do. It is closer than the breath you breathe. It is right there with you, in your heart, your energy field, your belly, and your feet.
The Equinox takes place on March 20, 2019, at 11:19 PM. That means this entire week is under the influence of the Equinox energies. Three days before and three days after the exact time is considered the mystical window. Take a leap this year and tune into your own higher consciousness. Even considering that you can do this will open new doors for your intuition to speak to you more clearly with less resistance.
Taking time to soak in miracle of getting to participate in this Cosmic dance. Finding the gentle rhythm and sinking in. Thank you Sarah!
Hi Sarah!
Thanks for this!! Still loving and feeling the memories from the Shasta retreat!
Love & Light! Nancy
Easy. Slow. Solid. Smooth.
So happy to be on Earth to receive these gifts!
thank you Sarah once again for the clarity of your message and your blog.
Helps so many.
Yes! Thanks again for stating what is true. I am so blessed and grateful to be on this path. Always awakening to more abundance and beauty. Super bloom indeed!!!