Spiritual Insights: Sarah's Blog

Spring Equinox 2022

March 20, 2022
This message is for the High Energy in Low Energy Times participants and for all who can relate.
The Great Pause
The Spring Equinox is astrologically considered the beginning of a new year. Before we leap into the new year the Equinox gives us a moment to pause. The moment of silence and balance as all stands still….for a cosmic moment.
This 2022 Spring Equinox is enfolded in a wave of consciousness surging throughout the galaxy that gives us the opportunity to release what doesn’t work, reclaim our true self, and move forward in alignment with higher frequencies. As usual, humans don’t take this kind of change easily and the planetary dramas testify to this fact daily.  Whether it is the equinox or a complete astrological shift of 2000 years or a 26,000 year galactic shift, (yes we are going through all of these at the same time so give yourself a break!), change is ever present and not easy.
Ceremony Helps Ease the Pain
The “independent” mode of the west is now defunct. You can see it as nations come together to support oppression as we take baby steps towards collaborative and community based living. For communities to be truly successful on every level, mind, body, and spirit, the element of ceremony must be included.  What indigenous community do you know where ceremony is not the focal point of their survival?
Ceremony is the modality that brings mind, body and spirit into wholeness for the community and the individual. It allows a group to live with simplicity and complexity when all are connected to their heart and soul.
I hope you can take a few moments to shift out of the materialistic mindset and into the wholeness of your being to take in the pause offered to us by the Equinox.  In class tomorrow we will center our ceremony in the equinox energies which will bathe our consciousness for two more days.  Write down your hopes for the year, make a Light List for your goals, take your simple needs seriously and don’t dismiss them with “buts, shoulds, and the judgments of others.”  Then go into your heart and hold a cosmic ceremony with your higher being, guides, and teachers in the higher realms, and step into the golden light of Oneness. Take your personal needs into the golden light and let them be charged, realigned, or dissolved in the light. Return with an open and clear heart ready to see how the next minute unfolds and let the surprises begin.

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  1. Andrea Schlenkerman

    Yes, indeed! Thank you for opening my eyes at last and helping me really see. I feel this as the biggest leap of faith yet so to speak and thank my grounding skills along with having a community to make “sense” of it all. Though that expression is sure outdated now. My higher self and my true being are my Light and Source is my Oneness that unites me to my wholeness and most awesomeness!


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