Anisha Durve: The Spirit of Healing
Anisha Durve is an Acupuncturist, Ayurvedic Wellness Practitioner, and meditation instructor for 20+ years. She is an author, activist, mystic, & spiritual warrior dedicated to empowering women who are trauma survivors. Her specialty is marma or ayurvedic energy points!
- Anisha’s approach to prana healing: energy is the light of our being.
- Activating her healing energy at age 17 with Reiki Training.
- Her first acupuncture appointment opened her inner vision and connected her with her inner self. That’s when she knew her path was to be an acupuncturist.
- Meeting and studying with the Ayurvedic teacher Dr. Vasant Lad changed her life. He pioneered Ayurvedic medicine in the US. His ability to integrate spirituality and science was inspiring.
- Every healing modality has its gifts and limitations. The art of integrative medicine is knowing how to initiate a healing journey with the right modality and right timing.
- The three levels of healing in Chinese medicine: the physical, mental, and the highest form, spiritual.
- Acupuncture induces a meditative state.
- Marma therapy: Marma points are similar to acupuncture points. They are gateways or portals to healing and higher consciousness.
- Marma therapy is similar to acupressure. You can use touch to activate the points, along with visualization and intention.
- Anisha’s approach to healing, her school, and how she works with her clients.
- Every symptom, every emotion, every diagnosis is an opportunity for healing; they are our teachers.
Watch a free replay of my marma ayurvedic energy points masterclass webinar here!
You can watch the free replay of my marma masterclass webinar here!
Anisha on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/anishanirvani
Anisha on Instagram: @anishanirvani
Learn more about SpiritHeal Institute at www.spirithealonline.com.