Carol Cummings Astrologer Revolutionary Changes The Solstice and Inauguration Day
We have significant changes coming in the next two months! Carol Cummings, astrologer and dream analyst for over 33 years, provides an astrological overview of the political scene for the next two months.
Carol has developed her skills to a masterful level. She utilizes her gifts of clairvoyance, empathy, and understanding of symbols in dream analysis and in listening to the messages from the stars. She is intuitive and compassionate, as well as powerful and honest. In my estimation, as a long-time friend and colleague, Carol has earned the title of Wise Woman and Elder.
The take-away from this episode is: we have the power to manifest the new dream. The opportunity to choose the higher road, to raise the consciousness of the planet, to learn from extradimensionals (light beings, masters, saints, prophets, beings from other dimensions, and star systems) and our own indigenous peoples is available to us now. We are on the brink of the next evolutionary stage of democracy; where true equality becomes a reality, and respect for all beings informs our decisions.
This is a sobering interview. In the months and years ahead, we are looking at significant changes and big choices. The astrological aspects of the United States are the same as when this nation was birthed. It was a time of radical and revolutionary change as the seeds of democracy inspired the founding of a great nation. We are in the next evolution and growth of democracy; we’ve moved along the spiral into a time where our growth towards freedom and equality can take a considerable leap—if we the people chose that option.
Carol sees both the 2020 Solstice and the January 2021 Inauguration as life-changing events. The Solstice heralds the promise of the Aquarian Age with extraordinary consciousness expansion. Inauguration Day has elements of violence and conflict written in the aspects. Will Biden take office, or will Trump refuse to leave?
For those experiencing psychic dreams about the current or future conditions of humanity and the planet, we shift into discussing how to comprehend the meaning of our dreams. We are both hearing from clients about very potent dreams that disclose elements of personal and planetary changes.
Generous Offer: 50% off Carol’s CD Mastering the Dreaming Mind Regularly $29.95 but for listeners to the Earth Love Spirit Podcast the price is $14.98. Send Carol an email and let her know you would like to get her CD. https://carolcummings.net/